Monday, January 5, 2009

No-knead Bread Recipe

I’ve been tweaking this for a while now. I’m pretty satisfied, but the last remaining big problem is that crumb is too moist and gummy. I had been making this with bread flour and I think using 100% all-purpose is actually the best way to go (follow-up: it is). I’ve used active dry yeast and sourdough to make this bread with about the same performance from both. The sourdough adds only a slight addition to the taste, and the rise is usually not quite as good as active dry.

3 cups all-purpose flour
1 tsp salt
1½ cups water
¼ tsp yeast (not a typo) OR about 1 cup sourdough starter

Mix everything, then let sit for about 8-12 hours -- no kneading is necessary. Fold the dough over itself in thirds, rotate 90* then fold the dough over itself in thirds again. Place the dough seam-side down into something non-sticky (it'll stick anyway). Let rise 2 hours. You can skip this second rising if you choose, but still perform the folding before baking.

Cook in pre-heated cast-iron pot in the oven at 425*. Place a lid on the pot. After 30 minutes remove lid, and cook additional 15 minutes.

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