Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Olive bread

Next time, I will use less olive oil in the dough, and more olive oil on top of the bread. (I'll update this posting, if I make this recipe again soon)

* 4 1/4 cups whole wheat flour
* 2 cups luke warm water
* 3 teaspoons dried active yeast
* 1/4 cup finest olive oil
* 1 cup black olives (remove pits)
* 1 teaspoon sugar
* 1 teaspoon salt

Combine the yeast, sugar and 1/2c of the water and wait until the yeast is dissolved.
Add all of the other ingredients (exluding the olives) and knead for 5 minutes. Add the olives, then knead gently to mix. Let rise for an hour. Punch down the dough, and form into a loaf. Let rise for an hour, drizzle with olive oil, then add some coarsely-grated Parmesan cheese. Cook in a preheated 425* oven for 20 to 25 minutes.

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