Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Baked French Fries and chicken strips

This is a fast and easy dish that is especially good with beer.

Serves 1:

Cut up three small or two large potatoes into strips (thickness is your preference). Dry the strips with paper towels, then put them into a large dry bowl. Add a few tablespoons of olive oil, a few good dashes of chili powder, a dash of black pepper, a dash of oregano, a dash of basil, and a dash of garlic powder. Toss the fries vigorously to coat with the seasonings and oil. Place the fries onto a baking pan, and cook in the oven (or toaster oven) for 10 minutes at 350*F

While the fries are cooking, cut a chicken breast into strips, and soak them in a scrambled egg. Add the following to the same bowl used for the fries:
1/3 cup bread crumbs
a dash of garlic powder
oregano, basil, etc
black pepper
chili powder

Toss the dry ingredients a little, then add the egg-soaked chicken and toss vigorously again. Add a little olive oil, and give it a last shake. Place the chicken next to the fries and cook together for 10 more minutes. Now, set the oven to broil (or toast) and brown the fries and chicken for a couple minutes. Add a little salt if you like, and serve.

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