Friday, June 5, 2009

Cheese ravioli with asparagus and hollandaise

This was my second attempt at making hollandaise sauce, and it was a great improvement over my first attempt. I was scared of scrambling or overcooking the egg yolks, but it seems this might be less of a concern as I originally thought. The yolks must be pretty stiff for this sauce to work. Also, add the butter very slowly!

I used two egg yolks and about 1/4 or 1/3 cup butter. This makes enough sauce for one large serving, and I can't imagine using the full 1 1/2 cups of butter as is specified in the video. I also skipped the cayenne, and added paprika on top as a garnish. In retrospect, the sauce could use a dash of cayenne, and I'd still keep the paprika garnish.

The ravioli was Trader Joe's 4-cheese variety.

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