Monday, July 13, 2009

Tortilla S'mores

I have been making chocolate burritos for a while, but I decided to up the ante, and so I searched Recipezaar for tortilla desserts, and found this:

This particular photo didn't turn out so well, so I am going to show the original version (from the camera) and the improved version from a graphics manipulation tool:



I am not an image manipulation guru, so I'll just list the basic steps that I took:

Adjusted histogram levels to maximize dynamic range
Adjusted white balance and saturation
Sharpened the whole image
Created a false shallow depth-of-field using a blur tool
Removed some distracting background stuff in upper left corner

Most of the images on this blog are not modified much. I'll only spend a few minutes working on the image, if it's especially bad from the camera. Usually all of the problems are caused by hand-holding the camera and shooting under "warm" compact fluorescent light.

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