Monday, January 5, 2009

Pappardelle with Shrimp and Prosciutto

I cooked this with Trader Joe’s Whole-wheat, sprouted pappardelle. The pasta was pretty darn wholesome: It was too coarse and the taste wasn’t really great either (chewing on wet cardboard). With a heavy sauce, it might be much better, but this dish is meant to be light and without any sauce.

Despite the problems with the pasta, I really liked this dish and my addition of the prosciutto was very worthwhile. I used cooked, frozen shrimp and this was not helpful. The shrimp ended up overcooking a bit and did not develop as much flavor as I would have liked from the heat of the pan. Also, if using shrimp of any kind, make absolutely sure to remove as much water as possible before adding them to the pan. The water will prevent the pan from being hot enough to brown the shrimp without overcooking them.

Serves 4
Start boiling salted water for the pasta first and keep it ready.

Heat 3Tbs olive oil in a pan and add a large crushed garlic clove. This strongly flavors the oil in the pan, and makes the kitchen smell like a gourmet meal is cooking. Remove the garlic after it is golden brown.

Add pappardelle (? ¾ lbs ?) to the boiling water (cook for about 5 to 7 minutes until al dente)

Over high heat, cook 1 lbs (about 25) shrimp (shelled and maybe de-veined) for 1 minute. Add salt and pepper if you want.

Add 2 Tbs cognac and ignite! This is really fun and contributes a surprising amount of good flavor to the dish.

After the flames subside, add 1.5 cups of chopped, canned, whole tomatoes. I’ve always made this dish with fresh tomatoes (one medium tomato) per serving. Make sure to include the juicy innards. Cook for another minute or two until the shrimp are done. Add 1/3c chopped basil leaves, and 1/4c parsley leaves -- heat and stir. Combine with pasta or serve shrimp mixture on top of pasta

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